One of the funnest things I recently did in Alaska was to go to the Transfer Stations...what is that one might ask? Well, oddly enough it is the dump! But with a twist. You see there are the large garbage bins lined up all around a parking area, but at one end is a covered area with a cement floor. This area is for people to drop things off that one might have taken to the trift shop to donate. These things are good used items, but no longer needed by whomever drops them off. Being that my two daughters and I are all garage salers, we thought this was great. So we would hit the transfer station a couple of times week to find all kinds of goodies. I only got a stack of magazines, as I already had too much to bring home. But my daughter who lives there got a set of school lockers just like you might see in the pages of the latest Pottery Barn catalog. She has them painted and at one end of her entry for the kids to put their sports equipment in. A locker for each sport for each kid. She has five kids living at home so this should be a big help is keeping order.
The other daughter got lots of corduroy and wool clothing for cutting up to make her darling purses. She had so much there was way to much to bring home. So as we make trips back and forth to Alaska I guess we will bring it all home. Now for her to get the purses made and sold.
As you can see by the photo, everyone goes to the transfer station shopping. We saw people with their cars full everytime we went there, and not just junky cars either. There was lots of building material, wood, clothing, etc. The maintenence people come by and clean out everything in the covered area once a week. Making for a clean slate once a week with new stuff bring brought in by people everyday. I sure wish we could do this here...it was a hoot!