Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Where Women Create founder & I

Yep, this is me with Jo Packman, the founder of Where Women Create. I bought the book when it came out and have bought every issue of the magazine ever since. I told her I was gonna be in her magazine someday...she said "Send me your information." So whenever I get settled and get to have a studio again I'm gonna do just that! I had to ordered the new book, "Inspiration" since she ran out at the show. But it will come in the mail to me signed by her. BTW, I am not towering over her in the photo, she is sitting down for the book signings.
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1 comment:

wherewomencreate said...

Thank you so much for your sweet and gracious post. You will never know how much all of us appreciate your support of the magazine and the books.

When your studio is ready just send me the images. i will look forward to seeing them!

It was wonderful to meet you. It was an honor.

Much love