Friday, October 05, 2007

Long time journey come to an end

What is this journey? My time and energy for years now has been put into proving my lineage to becoming a member the Daughter's of the American Revolution (DAR). So today my application and papers got the final signature and were sent off in the mail.
So now the wait to see if they will be verified and rectified...which will not be until at least February of 2008.
For some people it is an easy task for several resaons. Some ladies have family members before them who were members and so all they need is their own birth certificate and proof of linage to those before them. For others, well, their ancestors kept better records or they did not live where court houses were burned in the Civil War. But for such was a hard road all the way! So this is why I have spent so much time working on it and why it means so much to me to have it done.
So in this photo I am holding up the signed papers. They are now on their way to Washington D.C.
I will take a bit of a break and then begin working on other lines...yes, you can do this. It is called supplemental patriots.
So Hip Hip Hurray!
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