Last night as I finished up the dinner dishes and headed to my office I heard a loud crash and felt a jolt. The sound of breaking glass sent me to the back of the house toward the back porch. I ran and opened the sliding door to get my husband as he was in the garage. Then I saw it...a tree laying over the back part of the garage and just over where my husband was. Thankfully he came to the door and said, "Where did it land?" He knew it was a tree down. I did not know. We quickly ran to check the front of the house and there it was...a tree had fallen onto our office and bedroom.
My first reaction was one of freaking out because my laptop was covered with about 20" of black, dirt like insulation. Since my life is in this thing I did not want to loose it. I have photos, my family tree, other genealogy data, a library of books and misc. matters of importance to me. Tim grabbed it and dumped it off. Later he blew it out with the airhose, using the compressor. So far it is working fine...abeit a little scuffed up from the ceiling hitting it.
As this was our office it was full of electronic equipment, including a brand new Epson photo printer and Magnavox pc/tv flat screen. That black insulation was everywhere covering books, photo albums, files, and misc goodies. I am a bit of a pack rat, although organized, a pack rat, it's true. So this room was pretty overloaded with my treasures.
A phone call was made and with in a short time there were a group of guys from our church care group here helping us clean up insulation and moving things out of the room. These guys did a great job. We now have stuff stacked all over the house. But things had to be moved as we had a prediction of snow coming. The snow was only spitting a bit, but there is another prediction of it for today.
First thing this morning the guys came to take the tree off of the roof. So it is now piles of logs in the yard. Tim and a crew are out there now trying to get it ready to cover with tarps. There is now a thick snow falling and everything is covered. So I hope it is not long before they get the house buttoned up. I may post a few more photos...as I took about 100 of them of this event.
The neatest thing about all of this is that I was about five seconds from sitting in my office chair, right where the tree came though and knocked the ceiling down...it certainly would have done much damage to me if not sending me to meet my maker. Which would be okay, but my children still need me, so the time for me to go is not yet. I had spent most of the day at that desk working on learning how to use my new printer. So the fact that I was not at my desk just at that moment is amazing. What I call "God's favor."