Saturday, February 09, 2008

It has arrived!

Well, I got a wonderful surprise on my birthday, yesterday, in the mail. A large envelope was carrying my DAR certificate. So other than the swearing in, which will happen on Friday the 15th, I am officially a member. I have my national number. All of my hours of research have paid off for me. In this picture I am holding the certificate and sitting at my desk, which is where the greatest part of the research too place.
You can the screen saver on my laptop has an old market on it. This market was owned and ran by my grandparents in Chico, California back in the 1940's. It is still there, although my grandparents have moved on to heaven.
Behind me (you cannot see it in this picture) is the three drawer laterial filing cabinet that holds my genealogy files. It has been a blessing because of it's convenience. The book shelf you can see behind me is an old lawyer's book shelf. It is missing the glass pull down doors, but I love it anyway. I got it at a yard sale for $100.00 a few years back.
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