This is the wash house at Mt. Vernon.

I really enjoyed seeing Mt. Vernon and how George and Martha, our country's parents, lived day to day. I think the most interesting thing is that there was the silver, fine china, fine paintings in the big house and then there was the primitiveness in which the slaves lived. (No photography allowed inside of the house so you have to take my word for that.) But in a since they all lived very primatively compared to how we live today. They had no electricity, telephones, propane, etc. Even Martha had to light a candle to light her path after dark. Even she had to use the outhouse in the middle of the night. The outhouse was not that close to where their bedroom was, either. I've been closer to a toweetee when camping than Martha was to her site of deposit! Good thing they had chamber pots. Even though George and Martha had were well off and I am not, I still live very well in comparison. I do not have to start a fire to heat up an iron to iron a few wrinkles out of a partially cotton blouse...if I did I would have to choose something else to wear or go wrinkly since I do not have a wood burning fireplace in the house. I'd have to go out into the shop attached to the house and put a fire in the woodstove there.

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